Akash Kesari Savannah was born and raised in New Delhi, India's capital, and now calls it home. When Akash Kesari was seven years old, his Savannah-based family relocated to the United States. After two years at the University of North Florida, Akash Kesari Savannah decided to pursue a medical degree at Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College in New Delhi, India (MGMUHS). Akash Kesari Savannah is the sole owner of DNA Marketing Solutions Inc., which is based in Georgia. Through his business, Akash Kesari Savannah contributes to the betterment of humanity. He's helped raise money for local animal shelters in a variety of ways. Akash Kesari Savannah, a pitbull advocate who spends a lot of time with his rescue pitbull, Akash, is well-known on the internet.